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Buy-To-Let Insights

Be sure that Buy-To-Let portfolios are built on solid ground…

As regulators such as the PRA and FCA tighten scrutiny on buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages, there is an increasing need for Lenders to understand the stability of customers’ property portfolios across a range of market variables.

This is especially important when an individual’s portfolio may be spread across a number of different lenders and a wide variety of properties, meaning that as a lender, you’re only seeing part of the picture. WhenFresh Buy To Let Insights solve this problem and give you deeper insight than ever before, across the full portfolio.  Download full details of WhenFresh Buy To Let Insights here.

WhenFresh, we have the data and the experience in the property market to take a much closer look. The information we provide can enable you generate on-the-ball actionable measures to manage risk, as well as support strategy, insight and execution.

Our magic formula focuses on crunching the numbers on a combination of three core areas – asset stability, income stability, and regional stability – all of which when brought together can provide a much clearer picture of a BTL mortgage-holders’ real situation, allowing for a more accurate risk assessment to be made.

Our Buy To Let Insights reports are built by analysing your customer portfolio data against nine key metrics, which are then in turn measured against comparable averages nationally.

This can also be enhanced by supplementary information provided by either your own organisation, or external credit agencies. It’s a solid foundation on assessing real Buy-to-Let risk.

Buy To Let Insights

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