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Powerful Customer Acquisition & Retention Data for Utilities

WhenFresh provides the UK Utilities sector with access to vast data assets and advanced proprietary models for ‘Right Time” customer & prospect communications

To switch on the power of WhenFresh, please get in touch today: sold@whenfresh.com

+44 (0) 207 993 5818

The UK Utilities sector is a “dog eat dog" marketplace, with suppliers of Gas, Electricity, Broadband, Mobile and TV services standing or falling on their ability to win customers from their competitors – whilst fighting a constant rear-guard action to  retain their own. WhenFresh provides marketing data for Utilities to focus acquisition, retention & switching offers on the right people at the right time.

One of the biggest triggers for changing suppliers for any type of Utility is a home move – and WhenFresh have unrivalled data assets built from a combination of over 200 private and public data sources, including for example, selected live datasets from Zoopla, Prime Location & PSG among others.

By bringing advanced analytical techniques to bear on these unique data assets, WhenFresh is able to precisely identify prospects for you to target at exactly the right time in their home move cycle, both for customer acquisition and retention activities.

The Home Mover Journey

Our Data Scientists have even built proprietary models which accurately predict those properties most likely to come onto the market before they list with estate agents, to help you stay one step ahead of the competition.

And because we know all about rental moves as well as sales, we can also help you identify which customers to contact and when, before they pack up and leave you with unpaid bills…

In summary, we help Utility suppliers with:

>  Customer Acquisition
>  Customer Retention
>  Debt Management, especially among renting customers
>  Collections

WhenFresh works both directly with end-users in the Utilities sector and via reseller agreements with organisations such as Experian, Equifax, Acxiom, CallCredit and Royal Mail.

The WhenFresh products & services most commonly used by the Utility suppliers include:

Home Mover Alerts

Not Yet On The Market

Bespoke Analytics for Right-Time marketing

To find out more, please call us now on +44 (0) 207 993 5818 or complete the brief enquiry form.